Angela is falling from the ladder. While being unconsciousness the ghost of Marilyn appears and advises her to forget the past and forgive herself. Santana is getting hysterical when CC tells her that he wants to give the cradle of the Capwells to Gina. Lilly asks Troy if he would like to accompany her for a dance competition. but he rejects her offer.

Lilly tries to win Ted over for her. She tries to make him jealous by dancing with Rafe. Warren is very happy that Angela has decided to stay in the city. Gina is still in prison and is having problems with the person she has to share the cell. Ted is slowly fed up that Lilly is claiming everywhere that they are together. He forbids her to go on telling around this falsehood.

Warren tries to persuade Cassie to stop to feel pity with herself. Julia is asking Jodie to take over the leadership at a department in the police which is dealing with violence within families. Sawyer is pressuring his mother to accept this job. Jody is gladly accepting this job. Suzanne is meeting Lindsay who is totally fascinated from her. Warren and Troy are having a heavy dispute.

Mason and Julia are getting worried about their daughter Samantha when she starts to talk about a ghost who should be her friend. Samantha also finds a mysterious white rabbit. Lilly rejects Rafe's advances but Rafe gets not so easy discouraged. Warren and Reece's poker game is getting out of control and Angela is intervening.

Reece is teasing Warren by telling him that he is under the thumb of Angela. Warren is irritated. Samantha is getting totally hysterical when Mason tells her that they will move out again of the house. Reece is able to persuade Kelly to play a game of strip-poker with him. Julia is persuading Mason to stay one more week in the haunted house. This even after a voice from a ghost starts to talk with her. Cruz is not sure what he should think about on seeing Reece and Kelly together.

Reece is jealous when he gets to know that his wife Jodie is working again at the police. Cruz is getting presents from an unknown person. Shortly thereafter he gets threaten by a man who is chaining himself on him with highly explosives. Mason wants to burn the diary of Abigail as Julia is so fascinated about but he is not succeeding in burning it as it get saved from the flames in a miraculous way.

Jodie and Reece find out that the man who is having Cruz in his custody has been once a swindler who wants to take revenge on them. They can save Cruz from the hands of this psychopath. Kelly refuses to go to CC's engagement party. Gina's company in the cell is actually an actress who is engaged by CC to make Gina's life a hell in prison.

Lilly pays Troy for writing her homework. CC admits to David that he has engaged the actress Annie to get Gina insane. CC is having the intention to get the right to take care for the little Channing. Rafe invites Lilly to accompany him to the engagement party of CC. Gina meanwhile understands that she has to leave the jail as soon as possible. She and David are getting closer.

Kelly has changed her mind and is coming to CC's engagement party. Julia is upset that Mason has tried to burn the diary of Abigail. Rafe feels hurt when Lilly only wants to dance with Ted and not with him at the party. CC asks Mason to be his witness at their marriage. Gina is admitting to David that she only is using him. Julia and Samantha are nearly dying as somebody has turned on the gas tap in their house. They can escape in the last minute.

Rafe and Lilly find out that Troy was living once in an old waste-pipe. Antonio tells Julia that he has forgotten to switch off the gas. Julia feels somehow that he lies. Troy is touched when Sawyer is bringing him money and food. Santana is upset because CC permits David and Gina to use his yacht. Warren visits Troy and is taking the chance to read through some of his manuscripts. Julia is full of joy on finding some pages of the missing diary.