Original airdate: November 20, 1992
Ted and Angela are still missing. Gina is having the vision that something happened to Ted. Together with Lilly she is informing CC about it. Even though he thinks that the two have been kidnapped he does not want to inform the police. Warren and BJ want to have a nice evening together in the Oasis but get disturbed by a reporter. A girl from the table next to them is showing her sympathy and admiration for BJ.

Original airdate: November 23, 1992
Julia is asking Mason to get permission to interrogate an additional witness before the final speech. He agrees against the wish of Arnold. Sally confesses that she has been also sexually abused by Frank when being a child. By this it is proven that Frank has been a child abuser. BJ's chance in getting acquittal are very good after Sally's confession. Arnold is not at all happy about this.

Original airdate: November 24, 1992
In the trial of the case Frank Goodman occurs a sensational turn. BJ all of a sudden can remember how Frank has lost his life. BJ declares that she can remember that Frank has killed himself by a shot into his armpit. She got frighten and took in panic afterwards the gun to herself. After the final speeches of Julia and Arnold the jury is retreating for a conference.

Original airdate: November 25, 1992
After Ken has given again a pill to Sophia she is breaking down. Reese begs Andie to keep herself in distance of Ken. Gina, Lilly, Rafe and Lionel want to search in the underground tunnel for Ted and Angela. Also CC is joining them after some hesitation. They are really finding the two. Gina's inspiration has turned out to be right.

Original airdate: November 27, 1992
McCabe is trying hard to gain Kelly's affection. But Kelly is not sure about her feelings as her thoughts are still with Cruz. Ken is going to give pills to Sophia by which she gets addicted. Meanwhile she has to rely herself with her business totally on Ken. Angela and Ted are getting helped out from the pit by Gina, Rafe, CC and Lilly.

Original airdate: November 30, 1992
McCabe has found out new information about Ken; he has been married for two times already. Sophia has told him that Ken has only one marriage behind. The jury is still discussing. This is making the Walker family and their friends nervous. Warren is not able to uplift BJ's mood. Mason worries about his marriage in case Julia is going to accept the job of the federal judge.

Original airdate: December 1, 1992
BJ is acquitted by the court. The joy is great in Santa Barbara. All friends are celebrating the acquaintance with BJ. Only Mason and Julia are not able to share their joy as they have separated themselves during the trial more than they would like to admit. Aurora tries to reconcile her father with her half brother Giovanni. Not an easy task.

Original airdate: December 2, 1992
Jody is invited for dinner by Micah. As something went wrong with the dinner Jody invites Micah for a picnic on the floor. He turns on music and teaches her how to dance a Tango. At the end of the Tango he kisses her passionately which she obviously enjoys. Micah is very pleased with the turnout of the evening. Lilly offers Ted to cancel their engagement. They discuss the matter and Ted announces to all that they are going to marry. Reese is with Andie who has dressed him as a dressman. She gives him a lot of compliments on his outlook by getting closer to him till he kisses her passionately. He then steps back and apologises to her that he is not ready for more. He wants to give back the suit but she tells him that she has given it to him as a present. He then invites her for a dinner the next day in the Oasis.

Original airdate: December 3, 1992
Ted is dreaming about his marriage. He only did not marry Lilly but Angela in his dream. Kelly advises him to find out finally about his true feelings. CC is making a marriage proposal to Angela. After some thoughts she accepts. Ted is shocked about and confesses to CC that he was having over the past month an affair with Angela. McCabe is becoming the new partner of Reese.

Original airdate: December 4, 1992
McCabe has got some sympathy from Kelly because he has lost his job. She goes with him for a dinner. Afterwards they land in her apartment where he kisses her which she let happen but soon regrets afterwards. After Angela has confirmed to CC her affair with Ted both are having a heavy fight. BJ is getting an offer from Hollywood. There they are showing interest into her story and offer to her a lot of money for the movie and television rights.