public html:North America:2006 Williamsburg


Williamsburg - Revolutionary Madness
Williamsburg is a small town in Virginia with a historic area populated with American Revolution re-enactors and bemused tourists. Its scale is astounding: It stretches over 300 acres, employs about 3500 people and has an annual budget of about $200 million
Dude, Where's My Slave?
The noticeboard outside the Tavern. Its a photocopy
Revolutionary Water Fountain The Ultimate 'Where was I?' MMS
'Follow Me!'
'There's going to be a declaration of some sort at the Capitol'
The Agitators Arrive for the declaration 'Come Along Arnold -..iss the declaration' Best job ever for meeting women
'We have something we'd like to say' 'Taxes are too high ..a war to lower them'
Enormous cheers from the assembled crowd
2 more members of an..cast at Williamsburg 'Oh, shit, this war is bad for business'
'We should introduce price controls.' 'Even indirect price controls will cause a loss of R&D and have a negative effect on the U.S. economy'. ' Predictable cheers in favour of free trade
Wiliamsburg is Captured!
Benedict Arnold arrives to plant the British Flag. Overheard in crowd: 'I thought Benedict Arnold was a good guy?'
A British Offer to the Slaves
'Be our cannon fodder and you can have your freedom'
'I'm delighted that, despite the war shortages, we appear to have been able to decorate the entire town for Christmas'
Assembling an Army
'We need volunteers to fight with Gen. Washington at Yorktown'
'Is this your first ..t Williamsburg too?' March to the Courthouse
Gen. Washington is waiting...
Washington Greets his Army
'I'd like you all to know how excited I am to be working with you'
Williamsburg5 Williamsburg6

Photo album generated by album script a tool written by D. Madison on Mon May 5 07:49:33 2008